News ID: 1769
Publish Date : 30 January 2018 - 15:58

Mazda claims 'Skyactiv-3' will have lower emissions than EVs

The company apparently uses creative "well-to-wheel" calculations to compare its internal-combustion technology against electric powertrains.
Khodrocar - Mazda has made a bold claim that its third-generation Skyactiv engine technology will have lower "well-to-wheel" emissions than an electric vehicle.
After the second-generation Skyactiv-X models begin arriving on the market in the next year or so, engineers will be tasked with maximizing thermal efficiency in the next generation of gasoline mills known as Skyactiv-3.

Speaking at an automotive technical conference in Tokyo, Mazda powertrain chief Mitsuo Hitomi claimed Skyactiv-3 engines are expected to deliver unprecedented thermal efficiency levels of up to 56 percent, a 27-percent improvement over their predecessors, according to an Automotive News report.

The Japanese automaker is said to calculate that its gasoline engines will actually be associated with lower emissions than pure battery-powered electric vehicles. The AN story does not include specific details of the internal study, though it is said to consider carbon-dioxide emissions from natural-gas powerplants that charge EVs. It also reflects emissions from oil extraction and refining.

Mazda has maintained a leading position in overall fleet efficiency, despite a reluctance to use hybrid technology or follow the mainstream shift toward full electrification.

Source: LeftLane News